Structuring Rust Transactions

Structuring Rust Transactions

I've been working on a database-related project in Rust recently, which takes advantage of my concurrently readable datastructures. However I ran into a problem of how to structure Read/Write transaction structures that shared the reader code, and container multiple inner read/write types.

Some Constraints

To be clear, there are some constraints. A "parent" write, will only ever contain write transaction guards, and a read will only ever contain read transaction guards. This means we aren't going to hit any deadlocks in the code. Rust can't protect us from mis-ording locks. An additional requirement is that readers and a single write must be able to proceed simultaneously - but having a rwlock style writer or readers behaviour would still work here.

Some Background

To simplify this, imagine we have two concurrently readable datastructures. We'll call them db_a and db_b.

struct db_a { ... }

struct db_b { ... }

Now, each of db_a and db_b has their own way to protect their inner content, but they'll return a DBWriteGuard or DBReadGuard when we call respectively.

impl db_a {
    pub fn read(&self) -> DBReadGuard {

    pub fn write(&self) -> DBWriteGuard {

Now we make a "parent" wrapper transaction such as:

struct server {
    a: db_a,
    b: db_b,

struct server_read {
    a: DBReadGuard,
    b: DBReadGuard,

struct server_write {
    a: DBWriteGuard,
    b: DBWriteGuard,

impl server {
    pub fn read(&self) -> server_read {
        server_read {

    pub fn write(&self) -> server_write {
        server_read {

The Problem

Now the problem is that on my server_read and server_write I want to implement a function for "search" that uses the same code. Search or a read or write should behave identically! I wanted to also avoid the use of macros as the can hide issues while stepping in a debugger like LLDB/GDB.

Often the answer with rust is "traits", to create an interface that types adhere to. Rust also allows default trait implementations, which sounds like it could be a solution here.

pub trait server_read_trait {
    fn search(&self) -> SomeResult {
        let result_a =;
        let result_b =;
        SomeResult(result_a, result_b)

In this case, the issue is that &self in a trait is not aware of the fields in the struct - traits don't define that fields must exist, so the compiler can't assume they exist at all.

Second, the type of self.a/b is unknown to the trait - because in a read it's a "a: DBReadGuard", and for a write it's "a: DBWriteGuard".

The first problem can be solved by using a get_field type in the trait. Rust will also compile this out as an inline, so the correct thing for the type system is also the optimal thing at run time. So we'll update this to:

pub trait server_read_trait {
    fn get_a(&self) -> ???;

    fn get_b(&self) -> ???;

    fn search(&self) -> SomeResult {
        let result_a = self.get_a().search(...); // note the change from self.a to self.get_a()
        let result_b = self.get_b().search(...);
        SomeResult(result_a, result_b)

impl server_read_trait for server_read {
    fn get_a(&self) -> &DBReadGuard {
    // get_b is similar, so ommitted

impl server_read_trait for server_write {
    fn get_a(&self) -> &DBWriteGuard {
    // get_b is similar, so ommitted

So now we have the second problem remaining: for the server_write we have DBWriteGuard, and read we have a DBReadGuard. There was a much longer experimentation process, but eventually the answer was simpler than I was expecting. Rust allows traits to have Self types that enforce trait bounds rather than a concrete type.

So provided that DBReadGuard and DBWriteGuard both implement "DBReadTrait", then we can have the server_read_trait have a self type that enforces this. It looks something like:

pub trait DBReadTrait {
    fn search(&self) -> ...;

impl DBReadTrait for DBReadGuard {
    fn search(&self) -> ... { ... }

impl DBReadTrait for DBWriteGuard {
    fn search(&self) -> ... { ... }

pub trait server_read_trait {
    type GuardType: DBReadTrait; // Say that GuardType must implement DBReadTrait

    fn get_a(&self) -> &Self::GuardType; // implementors must return that type implementing the trait.

    fn get_b(&self) -> &Self::GuardType;

    fn search(&self) -> SomeResult {
        let result_a = self.get_a().search(...);
        let result_b = self.get_b().search(...);
        SomeResult(result_a, result_b)

impl server_read_trait for server_read {
    fn get_a(&self) -> &DBReadGuard {
    // get_b is similar, so ommitted

impl server_read_trait for server_write {
    fn get_a(&self) -> &DBWriteGuard {
    // get_b is similar, so ommitted

This works! We now have a way to write a single "search" type for our server read and write types. In my case, the DBReadTrait also uses a similar technique to define a search type shared between the DBReadGuard and DBWriteGuard.