User gesture is not detected - using iOS TouchID with webauthn-rs

User gesture is not detected - using iOS TouchID with webauthn-rs

I was recently contacted by a future user of webauthn-rs who indicated that the library may not currently support Windows Hello as an authenticator. This is due to the nature of the device being a platform attached authenticator and that webauthn-rs at the time did not support attachment preferences.

As I have an ipad, and it's not a primary computing device I decided to upgrade to iPadOS 14 beta to try out webauthn via touch (and handwriting support).

The Issue

After watching Jiewen's WWDC presentation about using TouchID with webauthn, I had a better idea about some of the server side requirements to work with this.

Once I started to test though, I would recieve the following error in the safari debug console.

User gesture is not detected. To use the platform authenticator,
call 'navigator.credentials.create' within user activated events.

I was quite confused by this error - a user activated event seems to be a bit of an unknown term, and asking other people they also didn't quite know what it meant. My demo site was using a button input with onclick event handlers to call javascript similar to the following:

function register() {
fetch(REG_CHALLENGE_URL + username, {method: "POST"})
   .then(res => {
      ... // error handling
   .then(res => res.json())
   .then(challenge => {
     challenge.publicKey.challenge = fromBase64(challenge.publicKey.challenge); = fromBase64(;
     return navigator.credentials.create(challenge)
       .then(newCredential => {
         console.log("PublicKeyCredential Created");
         return fetch(REGISTER_URL + username, {
           method: "POST",
           body: JSON.stringify(cc),
           headers: {
             "Content-Type": "application/json",

This works happily in Firefox and Chrome, and for iPadOS it event works with my yubikey 5ci.

I investigated further to determine if the issue was in the way I was presenting the registration to the [navigator.credentials.create]{.title-ref} function. Comparing to (which does work with TouchID on iPadOS 14 beta), I noticed some subtle differences but nothing that should cause an issue like this.

After much pacing, thinking and asking for help I eventually gave in and went to the source of webkit

The Solution

Reading through the webkit source I noted that the check within the code was looking for association of how the event was initiated. This comes from a context that is available within the browser. This got me to think about the fact that the fetch api is async, and I realised at this point that was using the [jQuery.ajax]{.title-ref} apis. I altered my demo to use the same, and it began to work with TouchID. That meant that the user activation was being lost over the async boundary to the fetch API. (note: it's quite reasonable to expect user interaction to use [navigator.credentials]{.title-ref} to prevent tricking or manipulating users into activating their webauthn devices).

I emailed Jiewen, who responded overnight and informed me that this is an issue, and it's being tracked in the webkit bugzilla . He assures me that it will be resolved in a future release. Many thanks to him for helping me with this issue!

At this point I now know that TouchID will work with webauthn-rs, and I can submit some updates to the library to help support this.

Notes on Webauthn with TouchID

It's worth pointing out a few notes from the WWDC talk, and the differences I have observed with webauthn on real devices.

In the presentation it is recommended that in your Credential Creation Options, that you (must?) define the options listed to work with TouchID

authenticatorSelection: { authenticatorAttachment: "platform" },
attestation: "direct"

It's worth pointing out that authenticatorAttachment is only a hint to the client to which credentials it should use. This allows your web page to streamline the UI flow (such as detection of platform key and then using that to toggle the authenticatorAttachment), but it's not an enforced security policy. There is no part of the attestation response that indicates the attachement method. The only way to determine that the authenticator is a platform authenticator would be in attestation "direct" to validate the issuing CA or the device's AAGUID match the expectations you hold for what authenticators can be used within your organisation or site.

Additionally, TouchID does work with no authenticatorAttachment hint (safari prompts if you want to use an external key or TouchID), and that [attestation: "none"]{.title-ref} also works. This means that a minimised and default set of Credential Creation Options will allow you to work with the majority of webauthn devices.

Finally, the WWDC video glosses over the server side process. Be sure to follow the w3c standard for verifying attestations, or use a library that implementes this standard (such as webauthn-rs or duo-labs go webauthn). I'm sure that other libraries exist, but it's critical that they follow the w3c process as webauthn is quite complex and fiddly to implement in a correct and secure manner.