Deploying sccache on SUSE

Deploying sccache on SUSE

sccache is a ccache/icecc-like tool from Mozilla, which in addition to working with C and C++, is also able to help with Rust builds.

Adding the Repo

A submission to Factory (tumbleweed) has been made, so check if you can install from zypper:

zypper install sccache

If not, sccache is still part of devel:tools:building so you will need to add the repo to use sccache.

zypper ar -f obs://devel:tools:building devel:tools:building
zypper install sccache

It's also important you do not have ccache installed. ccache intercepts the gcc command so you end up "double caching" potentially.

zypper rm ccache

Single Host

To use sccache on your host, you need to set the following environment variables:

export RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache
export CC="sccache /usr/bin/gcc"
export CXX="sccache /usr/bin/g++"
# Optional: This can improve rust caching
# export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=false

This will allow sccache to wrap your compiler commands. You can show your current sccache status with:

sccache -s

There is more information about using cloud/remote storage for the cache on the sccache project site

Distributed Compiliation

sccache is also capable of distributed compilation, where a number of builder servers can compile items and return the artificats to your machine. This can save you time by allowing compilation over a cluster, using a faster remote builder, or just to keep your laptop cool.

Three components are needed to make this work. A scheduler that coordinates the activities, one or more builders that provide their CPU, and a client that submits compilation jobs.

The sccache package contains the required elements for all three parts.

Note that the client does not need to be the same version of SUSE or even the same distro as the scheduler or builder. This is because the client is able to bundle and submit it's toolchains to the workers on the fly. Neat! sccache is capacble of also compiling for macos and windows, but in these cases the toolchains can-not be submitted on the fly and requires extra work to configure.


The scheduler is configured with [/etc/sccache/scheduler.conf]{.title-ref}. You need to define the listening ip, client auth, and server (builder) auth methods. The example configuration is well commented to help with this:

# The socket address the scheduler will listen on. It's strongly recommended
# to listen on localhost and put a HTTPS server in front of it.
public_addr = ""
# public_addr = "[::1]:10600"

# This is how a client will authenticate to the scheduler.
# # sccache-dist auth generate-shared-token --help
type = "token"
token = "token here"
# type = "jwt_hs256"
# secret_key = ""

# sccache-dist auth --help
# To generate the secret_key:
# # sccache-dist auth generate-jwt-hs256-key
# To generate a key for a builder, use the command:
# # sccache-dist auth generate-jwt-hs256-server-token --config /etc/sccache/scheduler.conf --secret-key "..." --server "builderip:builderport"
type = "jwt_hs256"
secret_key = "my secret key"

You can start the scheduler with:

systemctl start sccache-dist-scheduler.service

If you have issues you can increase logging verbosity with:

# systemctl edit sccache-dist-scheduler.service


Similar to the scheduler, the builder is configured with [/etc/sccache/builder.conf]{.title-ref}. Most of the defaults should be left "as is" but you will need to add the token generated from the comments in [scheduler.conf - server_auth]{.title-ref}.

# This is where client toolchains will be stored.
# You should not need to change this as it is configured to work with systemd.
cache_dir = "/var/cache/sccache-builder/toolchains"
# The maximum size of the toolchain cache, in bytes.
# If unspecified the default is 10GB.
# toolchain_cache_size = 10737418240
# A public IP address and port that clients will use to connect to this builder.
public_addr = ""
# public_addr = "[::1]:10501"

# The URL used to connect to the scheduler (should use https, given an ideal
# setup of a HTTPS server in front of the scheduler)
scheduler_url = ""

type = "overlay"
# The directory under which a sandboxed filesystem will be created for builds.
# You should not need to change this as it is configured to work with systemd.
build_dir = "/var/cache/sccache-builder/tmp"
# The path to the bubblewrap version 0.3.0+ `bwrap` binary.
# You should not need to change this as it is configured for a default SUSE install.
bwrap_path = "/usr/bin/bwrap"

type = "jwt_token"
# This will be generated by the `generate-jwt-hs256-server-token` command or
# provided by an administrator of the sccache cluster. See /etc/sccache/scheduler.conf
token = "token goes here"

Again, you can start the builder with:

systemctl start sccache-dist-builder.service

If you have issues you can increase logging verbosity with:

# systemctl edit sccache-dist-builder.service

You can configure many hosts as builders, and compilation jobs will be distributed amongst them.


The client is the part that submits compilation work. You need to configure your machine the same as single host with regard to the environment variables.

Additionally you need to configure the file [~/.config/sccache/config]{.title-ref}. An example of this can be found in [/etc/sccache/client.example]{.title-ref}.

# The URL used to connect to the scheduler (should use https, given an ideal
# setup of a HTTPS server in front of the scheduler)
scheduler_url = "http://x.x.x.x:10600"
# Used for mapping local toolchains to remote cross-compile toolchains. Empty in
# this example where the client and build server are both Linux.
toolchains = []
# Size of the local toolchain cache, in bytes (5GB here, 10GB if unspecified).
# toolchain_cache_size = 5368709120

cache_dir = "/tmp/toolchains"

type = "token"
# This should match the `client_auth` section of the scheduler config.
token = ""

You can check the status with:

sccache --stop-server
sccache --dist-status

If you have issues, you can increase the logging with:

sccache --stop-server
SCCACHE_NO_DAEMON=1 RUST_LOG=sccache=trace sccache --dist-status

Then begin a compilation job and you will get the extra logging. To undo this, run:

sccache --stop-server
sccache --dist-status

In addition, sccache even in distributed mode can still use cloud or remote storage for items, using it's cache first, and the distributed complitation second. Anything that can't be remotely complied will be run locally.


If you compile something from your client, you should see messages like this appear in journald in the builder/scheduler machine:

INFO 2020-11-19T22:23:46Z: sccache_dist: Job 140 created and will be assigned to server ServerId(V4(x.x.x.x:10501))
INFO 2020-11-19T22:23:46Z: sccache_dist: Job 140 successfully assigned and saved with state Ready
INFO 2020-11-19T22:23:46Z: sccache_dist: Job 140 updated state to Started
INFO 2020-11-19T22:23:46Z: sccache_dist: Job 140 updated state to Complete