Getting started with Yew

Getting started with Yew

NOTE This post is really out dated now, there are easier ways to start. See the yew official docs as this process has gotten much easier!

Yew is a really nice framework for writing single-page-applications in Rust, that is then compiled to wasm for running in the browser. For me it has helped make web development much more accessible to me, but getting started with it isn't always straight forward.

This is the bare-minimum to get a "hello world" in your browser - from there you can build on that foundation to make many more interesting applications.



  • Ensure that you have rust, which you can setup with RustUp.
  • Ensure that you have brew, which you can install from the Homebrew Project. This is used to install other tools.
  • Install wasm-pack. wasm-pack is what drives the rust to wasm build process.
    cargo install wasm-pack
  • Install npm and rollup. npm is needed to install rollup, and rollup is what takes our wasm and javacript and bundles them together for our browser.
    brew install npm
    npm install --global rollup
  • Install miniserve for hosting our website locally during development.
    brew install miniserve

A new project

We can now create a new rust project. Note we use --lib to indicate that it's a library, not an executable.

    cargo new --lib yewdemo

To start with we'll need some boilerplate and helpers to get ourselves started.

[index.html]{.title-ref} - our default page that will load our wasm to run. This is our "entrypoint" into the site that starts everything else off. In this case it loads our bundled javascript.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script src="/pkg/bundle.js" defer></script>

[main.js]{.title-ref} - this is our javascript entrypoint that we'll be using. Remember to change PROJECTNAME to your crate name (ie yewdemo). This will be combined with our wasm to create the bundle.js file.

    import init, { run_app } from './pkg/PROJECTNAME.js';
    async function main() {
       await init('/pkg/PROJECTNAME_bg.wasm');

[Cargo.toml]{.title-ref} - we need to extend Cargo.toml with some dependencies and settings that allows wasm to build and our framework dependencies.

    crate-type = ["cdylib"]

    wasm-bindgen = "^0.2"
    yew = "0.18"

[]{.title-ref} - create this file to help us build our project. Remember to call [chmod +x]{.title-ref} so that you can execute it later.

    wasm-pack build --target web && \
        rollup ./main.js --format iife --file ./pkg/bundle.js

[src/]{.title-ref} - this is a template of a minimal start point for yew. This has all the stubs in place for a minimal "hello world" website.

    use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
    use yew::prelude::*;
    use yew::services::ConsoleService;

    pub struct App {
        link: ComponentLink<Self>,

    impl Component for App {
        type Message = App;
        type Properties = ();

        // This is called when our App is initially created.
        fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
            App {

        fn change(&mut self, _: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender {

        // Called during event callbacks initiated by events (user or browser)
        fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {

        // Render our content to the page, emitting Html that will be loaded into our
        // index.html's <body>
        fn view(&self) -> Html {
            ConsoleService::log("Hello World!");
            html! {
                    <h2>{ "Hello World" }</h2>

    // This is the entry point that main.js calls into.
    pub fn run_app() -> Result<(), JsValue> {

Building your Hello World

Now you can build your project with:


And if you want to see it on your machine in your browser:

    miniserve -v --index index.html .

Navigate to to see your Hello World!

Further Resources


I made all the following mistakes while writing this blog 😅 - permission denied

    zsh: permission denied: ./

You need to run "chmod +x" so that you can execute this. Permission denied means that the executable bits are missing from the file.

building - 'Could not resolve'

    ./main.js → ./pkg/bundle.js...
    [!] Error: Could not resolve './pkg/PROJECTNAME.js' from main.js
    Error: Could not resolve './pkg/PROJECTNAME.js' from main.js

This error means you need to edit main.js so that PROJECTNAME matches your crate name.

Blank Page in Browser

When you first load your page it may be blank. You can check if a file is missing or incorrectly named by right clicking the page, select 'inspect', and in the inspector go to the 'network' tab.

From there refresh your page, and see if any files 404. If they do you may need to rename them or there is an error in yoru main.js. A common one is:

    PROJECTNAME.wasm: 404

This is because in main.js you may have changed the await init line, and removed the suffix [_bg]{.title-ref}.

    # Incorrect
    await init('/pkg/PROJECTNAME.wasm');
    # Correct
    await init('/pkg/PROJECTNAME_bg.wasm');