Starting with Rage on OpenSUSE
Rage is a rust implementation of Age, a modern, simple and secure file encryption tool. It is easier to use than other tools like GPG, and being written in a memory safe language it avoids many of the exploits that may occur in C based tools.
Installing Rage
You can install rage on leap or tumbleweed from zypper
zypper install rage-encryption
Alternately you can install from cargo with
cargo install rage
Key management
The recipient must generate a key. This can be either a rage key, or an ssh key which is of the
form ssh-rsa
or ssh-ed25519
# The public key is displayed.
rage-keygen -o ~/rage.key
# age1y2lc7x59jcqvrpf3ppmnj3f93ytaegfkdnl5vrdyv83l8ekcae4sexgwkg
To use ssh keys, you can generate a key with:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
# cat /root/.ssh/
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIE1kWXiYIn/VWzo0DlnIp3cRx/kZd6d9WbwehKJpPx1R
Encrypting to a public key
You encrypt a file to the owner of the public key with:
rage -e -r <pub key> -o <encrypted output> <input>
# With their rage public key.
rage -e -r age1y2lc7x59jcqvrpf3ppmnj3f93ytaegfkdnl5vrdyv83l8ekcae4sexgwkg -o ~/encyrpted.age data
Alternately, if you want to allow the content of the encrypted file to be base64 for emailing (note the -a):
rage -e -a -r <pub key> -o <encrypted output> <input>
# With their rage public key.
rage -e -a -r age1y2lc7x59jcqvrpf3ppmnj3f93ytaegfkdnl5vrdyv83l8ekcae4sexgwkg \
-o ~/encyrpted.age data
# cat /tmp/encrypted
The ssh public key can be encrypted to if the public key is in a file
rage -e -a -R <path to public key> -o <encrypted output> <input>
# Using the ssh public key in a file
rage -e -a -R ~/ -o /tmp/ssh-encrypted data
Decrypting a file
The recipient can then decrypt with:
rage -d -i <path to private key> -o <decrypted output> <encrypted input>
rage -d -i ~/rage.key -o /tmp/decrypted /tmp/encrypted
# cat /tmp/decrypted
With an ssh private key
rage -d -i <path to ssh private key> -o <decrypted output> <encrypted input>
rage -d -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o /tmp/ssh-decrypted /tmp/ssh-encrypted
Encrypt to multiple recipients
Rage can encrypt to multiple identities at a time.
rage -e -a -R <first ssh pub key> -R <second pub key> ... -o <encrypted output> <input>
rage -e -a -r <first pub key> -r <second pub key> ... -o <encrypted output> <input>
rage -e -a -R <first ssh pub key> -r <first rage pub key> ... -o <encrypted output> <input>
rage -e -a -R /root/.ssh/ \
-r age1h8equ4vs5pyp8ykw0z8m9n8m3psy6swme52ztth0v66frgu65ussm8gq0t \
-r age1y2lc7x59jcqvrpf3ppmnj3f93ytaegfkdnl5vrdyv83l8ekcae4sexgwkg \
-o /tmp/ssh-encrypted hello
all of the associated keys can decrypt this file.
rage -d -i /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o /tmp/ssh-decrypted /tmp/ssh-encrypted
rage -d -i ~/rage.key -o /tmp/decrypted /tmp/ssh-encrypted
Using a passphrase instead of a key
Rage can encrypt with a passphrase:
rage -e -p -o <encrypted output> <input>
rage -e -p -o /tmp/passphrase-encrypted data
Decrypted with (passphrase is detected and prompted for):
rage -d -o <decrypted output> <encrypted input>
rage -d -o /tmp/decrypted /tmp/passphrase-encrypted